If you are considering a bacteria biological program, fish stocking or initiating a mosquito larvacide treatment to your lake or pond, Please call or email us to inquire about a program that will address your specific needs.

Mother Nature is busy working on biologically undoing your beautiful landscaped pond. She employs techniques evolved over millennia that will reconstruct your pond into something different than what you have in mind. She will win out as she is timeless. But that does not mean you have to suffer the indignation of living in sight of a mosquito-filled “cess-pool” with plants and creatures you have no idea of their benefit or not.

Aerobic Bacteria:

In addition to the use of aeration and employing strategic chemical applications, another tool of lake management is the use of biological methods to help keep your pond healthy. Not to confuse the issue, but aeration employs a biological technique in addition to a mechanical approach to the pond. The mechanical approach is how the aeration equipment causes movement of the water in the otherwise static conditions of the pond. Movement is good since it helps to break down the stratification (thermocline) that can cause issues. But the biological aspect of aeration comes from the water being infused with oxygen thereby creating a healthy habitat for aerobic bacteria.There are basically two types of bacteria that populate a pond: Aerobic bacteria and Anaerobic bacteria. The difference can be understood by anyone who has ever had a compost area for their garden. The idea behind a compost is you want organics broken partially down so they serve as the food supply (fertilizer) for your vegetables. Anaerobic bacteria accomplish this perfectly. In this case they are the good guys. You don’t want your compost to be totally broken down so there is no fertilizer to feed your vegetables. That is what the Aerobic bacteria do. In this case, they are the bad guys.

In your pond you want the reverse of what transpires in your compost. Having partially broken-down organics only feeds the algae which in turn creates the massive algal bloom that now plagues your pond. The idea is to create an environment that favors Aerobic bacteria at the expense of the Anaerobic. In this environment, the Aerobic bacteria out-competes the Algae for the food source. Now, the Aerobic bacteria is the good guy.You can supplement the Aerobic bacteria in your pond by applying a Bio-Augmentation plan that has the bacteria added on a regular basis. Methods and techniques vary depending on your specific needs.


Fish provide a vital element to the lake & pond management process. Aside from the fact that every lake or pond has fish, whether stocked or not, fish play an important role in the overall health of the pond. Some fish provide more of a benefit than others, depending on your specific needs. One such fish is the triploid grass carp. It is a sterile fish that eats some forms of nuisance or invasive plant vegetation growing in the pond. It is best to not employ the fish as a “crisis” tool to an existing problem. Fish do well to be employed as a maintenance tool for helping to keep the aggressive vegetation in check. Other fish to be considered are the game fish Large-mouthed Bass and the smaller Bluegill. Stocking the pond based on the state’s recommended stocking rate can help the pond achieve a healthy condition that invites your participation, whether you fish or not.

Mosquito Larvicide:

ARM uses a Mosquito Larvicide employed world-wide to help combat the rise of Mosquito infestation. The larvicide incorporates a special bacterium that is environmentally safe to all but the mosquito larvae it attacks. This bacterium can be added to your lake and pond. It adds another layer of control in combating the Mosquito population. Programs have been successfully employed and are seasonal.